Dear Featherbed Lane Elementary Community,
I am your Proud Principal, Mrs. Michelle
Webster. As a former elementary school teacher and National Board-Certified
Reading Specialist for 21 years, Assistant Principal for 3 years, and Principal
for 4 years, I value the social and emotional development of every child and
realize elementary school is the beginning of educational experiences for
students and lays the groundwork schooling. I am committed to excellence for
all students and a safe and secure learning environment for students and staff.
This is an exciting time for Featherbed Lane
as our children will embark upon new adventures, exploration, and academic
growth. For the entire 2022-2023 school year, Featherbed Elementary will remain
committed to providing a challenging and rigorous curriculum that will help
students progress developmentally, as we continue to focus on providing a safe
environment for all students, and insuring a data rich rigorous learning
“In this life we cannot do great things. We
can only do small things with great love.”-
Mother Teresa
In her quote, Mother Teresa shares the
importance of doing small things with great love. Mother Teresa understood that
doing even the smallest things with love would become great things in the near
future. This year Featherbed Lane Elementary is dedicated to being “Stronger together
and stronger than ever with love.” The teachers and staff will continue to be
dedicating to nurturing the whole child all while using rich data to ensure our
students continue to grow academically.
I believe it is my responsibility to ensure a
safe, supportive and data rich learning environment for your child. With this
environment and partnering with you, it is my belief we will have a successful
2022-2023 school year. Together as a school community, “We are stronger
together and stronger than ever, in love.” I am committed to building on our
past traditions and meeting the challenges of the future with innovation and
Mrs. Michelle Webster
Principal, Featherbed Lane Elementary School